
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How do I practice idolatry? 1 Cor. 10:12-22

Last week we concluded that the three major temptations faced by Israel were: immorality, idolatry, and ingratitude. What were they supposed to be practicing? Purity, true worship, and trust/gratitude. If we could learn to practice these three behaviors, our lives & families & churches would be so drastically different!

The passage for this week is1 Corinthians 10:12-22. (Please read in NLT if available!)

This week continues the theme of idolatry from chapter 10. I have thought long and hard about idolatry the past few weeks. Isn’t this an outdated sin? Well, most commentators say that it is anything that comes before God in my life. So I suppose idolatry is everything! This is much too broad to have application for me.

What do you think about idolatry? How is idolatry different today than it was for the Corinthians? How is it the same? What does American idolatry look like?

I have come to some conclusions in my life that blew me away. It was after I asked myself lots of questions. What does my culture value? What do I value?

When it comes to idolatry, eventually you lose control. Eventually your idol eats your time, money, and family. You are at its mercy.

How do you commit idolatry? Answering this question was hard for me and will be for you. But it is a question we both must answer.

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