
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Love is a CHOICE! 1 Cor. 13

I appreciate the discussions we have had on "agape" love from 1 Corinthians 13. Love truly is a choice, not a feeling. The opposite of this love is not hate - it is selfishness. Loving the way God requires is not humanly possible. It is a supernatural love that can only flow out of our hearts after God has put it there.

Everything within us is opposed to this sort of unconditional love. We fear getting hurt again. Yet love is making yourself vulnerable. Love is never losing hope, never giving up...and committing for life. No wonder the "Bachelor" leaves the "love of his life" for another girl - feelings are completely unpredictable and should NOT determine our actions! True love is choice - and feelings will be a benefit of that choice!

Our upcoming discussion will be returning to spiritual gifts, especially tongues.

As you 1 Cor. 13:8-13, think about these questions:
- When will the gifts of prophecy, tongues, and knowledge end according to this passage?
- What is the "perfection" in verse 10?
- What does "child" refer to in verse 11?
- What is this paragraph saying about spiritual gifts as it relates to love?