
Monday, April 14, 2008

what do i believe?

I am holistic. I believe that the treasure of Christ can and does permeate every aspect of life. I will not limit my thoughts to purely spiritual or church matters. My belief is that the sacred vs. secular distinctions created by our modern western mindset has created a gulf where there is none. Jesus did not come to have a compartment of my life – He came to invade my world…and yours.

My belief system is as complex as my God. My perspectives and views are changing, contrary to my God. I am constantly being shown where my beliefs are out of line with the unchangeable Truth. What do you believe? Is your belief worth dying for? Is it worth living for? Trusting the Truth is risky, dangerous…adventurous. I have staked my today and tomorrow on Truth. If it fails, so do I.

treasure coves is what?

Treasure Coves is meant to be one of many inlets of truth within the vast blogosphere. I will attempt to link to other sites I deem valuable. I am not here to waste your time. To put it simply, my hope is...

- To encourage those who embrace the Truth
- To cheer on those seeking the Truth
- To warn those who reject the Truth

Feel free to intact with me. I am not threatened by opposing viewpoints. Scripture says perfect love casts out fear. Do not fear me, and I won’t fear you!

The search is on...

I have always been fascinated with metal detectors. The thought of combing a beach for buried treasure thrills me. The adventure of hearing the quickening tempo of the beep, beep, BEEP! The excitement of reaching my fingers into the wet sand, feeling a smooth object...

Life is an extended treasure hunt. Some have given up in exasperation. They have found nothing of value and give up searching. Others are still on the hunt, prowling diligently for something buried beneath the surface. They dream of something more meaningful than the 9 to 5 grind of life. Others have found valuable treasure and seen their lives transformed, and call out for others to join them at their treasure cove.

Put me in the last category. Over two decades ago I found treasure that changed my life. It is not a genie in a bottle. It has no financial price tag. It is not something I can manipulate or control. It is beyond me. I seek to live under its influence and authority. What is "it"? It is truth, and it has set me free. I encourage you to join me in my corner of the universe from time to time. I will be examining my treasure and seeing how it relates to the world - both mine and yours.