
Monday, November 3, 2008

Cultural Symbol or Sacred Command?...1 Cor. 11:2-16

Paul never minds stoking the fire. He realizes that FCC (First Church of Corinth) is messed up when it comes to worshiping as a community! So he writes this passage to put women...and line.

Verse by verse:
2 - Obey God's words, all of them. You can't pick and choose what to obey!
3 - that order....obviously not significance, but role!
4 - Male head covering while prayer/prophesying = BAD
5 - Female without head covering while praying/prophesying = BAD
6 - Female head covering while praying/prophesying = GOOD
7 - Man is image/glory of God....Woman is image/glory of man
8 - Woman (Eve) came from Man (Adam), not vice-versa
9 - Woman created for Man, not vice-versa
10 - Female head covering a must, says Gabriel and pals
11 - Men and women need each other
12 - Neither can exist without other
13 - Isn't this teaching obvious?
14 - Don't you look twice at a long-haired man?
15 - Don't you look twice at a bald woman?
16 - This principle is consistent for all churches everywhere!

Alright, so that was a quick breakdown of those 15 verses in my own words. However, I haven't answered these questions:

1) What does this mean?
2) Is the Bible sexist? Are men "over" women?
3) Must women wear head coverings in the church today?
4) Are there any current symbols of male/female roles in our culture?

Looking forward to hearing your answers (or angry questions) on Sunday! :)