
Thursday, July 10, 2008

No "if only" Living - 1 Cor. 7:17-24

A big thanks to Ralph for teaching class last Sunday! I am sure that you were blessed as he shared his thoughts on this very difficult passage. I have been meditating on it for weeks now, and want to share some of my own questions:

1 Corinthians 7:17-24 (NLT)
17 Each of you should continue to live in whatever situation the Lord has placed you, and remain as you were when God first called you. This is my rule for all the churches.

18 For instance, a man who was circumcised before he became a believer should not try to reverse it. And the man who was uncircumcised when he became a believer should not be circumcised now. 19 For it makes no difference whether or not a man has been circumcised. The important thing is to keep God’s commandments.

20 Yes, each of you should remain as you were when God called you. 21 Are you a slave? Don’t let that worry you—but if you get a chance to be free, take it. 22 And remember, if you were a slave when the Lord called you, you are now free in the Lord. And if you were free when the Lord called you, you are now a slave of Christ.

23 God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world. 24 Each of you, dear brothers and sisters, should remain as you were when God first called you.

When I read Paul’s writings, they either leave me scratching my head or holding my convicted heart. This passage does both – after my initial confusion I am awed and convicted. Does this really apply to me? I think it does – and I believe this applies to you too!

The questions that Paul raises are tough – and our answers will reveal our deepest longings.

Vs. 17 – Have I learned to be content with my current living situation?

Vs. 18 – Do I wish to reverse pre-conversion choices that I now regret?

Vs. 19 – What is the most important thing in life?

Vs. 20 – How should I live today?

Vs. 21-23 – Who do I belong to?

Vs. 24 – Must I remain in my current situation?

Ask yourselves these questions. Be very specific with your answers. We will discuss our thoughts on Sunday.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Im confused with verse 17. Ive been taught from speakers not to be content with how im living but even that being content is bad and that we should "jump 2 feet out side our comfort zones into the wonderful life God has for us"

I could be wrong but at the end of the verse it says "and remain as you were when God first called you" I think hes talking about when someone first gets saved.They are crazy for Christ, and wanting to know him.But after a while they start hanging out with the (as I like to call them) "boring Christians" I think the verse is talking about not to lose the fire you had before.

Just a thought