
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Interview with Dr. Paul R. House

I had the great privilege of interviewing Dr. Paul R. House on June 4th. He is a respected OT scholar and theologian from Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama. For more biographical information, please visit here.

He spent an hour and a half to help a student he has never met. He not only answered my questions...he also lit a theological fire in my soul. I found his answers to be intensely practical and helpful! I strongly recommend his Old Testament Theology book.

This interview was part of an assignment for my Contemporary Old Testament Theology class at Baptist Bible Seminary. Dr. Mark McGinniss taught this immensely helpful summer module. It was a class and interview to never forget!!!

90min. interview


Becky said...

Wow He has a lot of good points I only got a third of the way through it and Gods already convicted me its with that whole: the OT people were asking "how?" not "if" questions. I know that often in my life i say "God, if this is true than...." instead of "god, how do you want me to apply that verse to my life?" and like he said (or at least what I got out of it) is that ALL of the bible is for my life its like that verse in isaiah 55:11 that says that Gods word wont come back empty. that verse doesnt say who it wont come back empty from it just bluntly says wont come back empty.

Justin said...

becky, i was deeply impressed by the same thing! he said that we need to stop treating the bible like it is on trial, and begin putting our lives on trial before the word of God! ouch!!! glad you are enjoying this too! :)