
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Truth about the Resurrection...1 Cor. 15:12-34

Please read 1 Corinthians 15:12-34 before reading...

What a powerful argument Paul makes in the following verses for the resurrection!
12. If Christ raised, there MUST be resurrection of dead
13. If no resurrection, Christ NOT raised
14. If Christ not raised…preaching + faith = useless!
15. and we are false witnesses.
16. If dead not raised, neither is Christ
17. If Christ not raised…faith = futile & believers still in sins
18. and all dead believers are permanently lost.
19. If resurrection is a lie, Christians are the most pitiable people
20. Christ DID raise - His resurrection was the first fruits of those who have died (meaning more to come)
21. Death came through one man, so can life/resurrection
22. All people experience death through Adam, all people can experience life through Jesus
23. At the proper time, Christ will return and the dead will rise
24. When Jesus destroys the work of sin and Satan and hands the kingdom to God, the end will come.
25. Jesus will reign until He has defeated every opponent
26. The final enemy to be defeated is death
27. Everything (but God the Father) will submit to Christ
28. After this is complete, the Son will submit to the Father and they will reign in complete perfection
29. If the resurrection is false, why baptize? (very confusing verse)
30. If the resurrection is false, why do we even try to live the Christian life and put ourselves in danger?
31. Why risk death daily without future hope?
32. If resurrection is false, let us party hard – because this life is all we get!
33. Steer clear of corrupting influences
34. Come back to your senses and begin living like there is a future life and judgment!!!

The Apostle Paul nips this heresy (of no resurrection) in the bud! He challenges the Corinthian church with a series of logical arguments. Without the resurrection, our faith is useless. There is nothing better to do than party and enjoy this life. If you reject the resurrection of the dead, then be a hedonist. If you want to be a Christian, then live today like there will be a tomorrow. Be motivated by future judgment and future reward. Risk your life and health for the Gospel. After all, that is the only thing that really matters. Everything else is just temporary. Some of us will find that out too late.