
Monday, June 15, 2009

1 Corithians in Review!

Our journey through 1 Corinthians has now come to an end. It has been a pleasant study filled with rich nuggets of truth and harsh convicting realities. I have come to believe that Kirkwood is probably not all that different from Corinth.

Here are the main themes of each chapter:

1. Division vs. unity
2. Mind of Christ
3. Division vs. human loyalty
(This is one of two chiasms in this book. Think of them as sandwiches. The emphasis is on the meat. In this opening sandwich, division is the problem - developing the mind of Christ is the solution!)

4. Shame on you!
5. Immorality
6. Lawsuits
7. Relationship issues
8. Conscience vs. compromise
9. Servant leadership
10. Recounted history - pattern of idolatry & punishment

Here comes another sandwich - this one a double-decker! Notice the emphasis on Love. Worship without each member exercising their spiritual gifts in love is useless!
11. Worship (and Lord's Supper)
12. Spiritual gifts
13. LOVE
14. Spiritual gifts
& worship

15. Afterlife & new bodies
16. Paul's money standards and closing thoughts - living in tension

Theme: To become a Dream Church, you must deal with selfishness and unify around Christ with unconditional love!

Come Quickly Lord!...1 Cor. 16

Paul asked the Corinthian church to show their generosity by taking weekly offerings for the Jerusalem ministry. He encourages them to develop the habit of setting aside a portion of their income weekly. Paul never encourages tithing - instead he writes about first-fruit and freewill giving. NT giving is to be a voluntary habit done with joy, not duty!

It is quite interesting that Paul does not want to see or even touch the money! He says to take the collections before he gets there, and send it to Jerusalem with elected stewards. His ethical standards when it came to finances were far above board. I am reminded of the commitment Billy Graham made about financial integrity - and a scandal has never touched him!

Paul wanted to spend some quality time with the Corinthian church - a brief visit wouldn't suffice, but he knew that God wanted him to stay at Ephesus. He said "a great door for effective work has opened to me." How did he know this with such certainty? Because "there are many who oppose me"!!! Opposition & tension - what an excellent reason to believe that you are being obedient!!!

At the end of this final chapter, Paul takes the quill pen from his scribe, and begins to write sloppily with his own hand: "If anyone does not love the Lord - a curse be on him." Yep, that is Paul all right, no more authorization of authorship needed! May a curse be upon anyone who does not love God, His church, and His people.

Then Paul uses an Aramaic phrase: "Maranatha" meaning "Our Lord, Come!" This is both a cry of hope and a stern warning. Christ is coming - shape up! If you are sitting on the fence, get off. If you are hindering the work of Christ, now is the time to seek God's forgiveness. If you are living in immorality, bitterness, or causing division - repent now before it is too late.

Come quickly dear Lord!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Over my dead body!!! 1 Cor. 15:35-59

The Apostle Paul answers our two BIG questions about our new heavenly bodies: “How?” and “What?” (vs. 35)

The “How?” is easily answered – new life is produced by death. Consider seeds – until they fall from their life source and go into the ground, they are living. Not until they go into the ground and die do they produce new life. (36) When my earthly body dies, God gives me a new and improved home for my soul.

The “What?” is still a mystery. Our physical bodies are just the seeds (37)…God chooses what the new plant will be like! (38)

Even physical bodies have a great amount of variety – just consider the difference between people, animals, birds, and fish!!! (39) Heavenly bodies have just as much variety but are more splendid than anything physical. (40) Consider the mind-popping variety and splendor of the sun, moon, and stars! (41)

Our present bodies are thankfully temporary…our new bodies will be eternal! (42) My sin-wracked body has an end, but my glorified body has none. Pain, disease, and death will not be part of the afterlife. My present body is dying, human, weak, and natural. My future body will be eternal, perfected, new, and spiritual. (43) That’s good news for everyone growing “old”!!!

All humans are natural descendants of Adam. All believers are spiritual descendants of Christ. (45) Humanity is lost and perishable - believers become found and eternal! (46) Adam came from dust, Jesus came from heaven. (47) We can be like either - which would you rather be like??!!! (48-49)

In our humanity, we cannot experience the amazing heaven God has prepared – where He will live with His followers forever. (50) Here is a cool secret – not all believers will experience death. Some of us will experience the Rapture – but all believers will experience a new reality with a brand-new body! (51) Our metamorphosis will be instantaneous! (52) In Christ, we can experience a new reality!

To get around in the afterlife, you need a new body! (53) This new body allows us victory over death. (54) Death cannot snatch our recreated glorified bodies! (55) We will have complete victory over the grave! The law causes sin which causes death. (56) Victory over all this is found in Jesus Christ! (57)

Stand firm! (58) Give yourself completely to God’s work – because your body is only temporary but your soul is permanent! (59)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Truth about the Resurrection...1 Cor. 15:12-34

Please read 1 Corinthians 15:12-34 before reading...

What a powerful argument Paul makes in the following verses for the resurrection!
12. If Christ raised, there MUST be resurrection of dead
13. If no resurrection, Christ NOT raised
14. If Christ not raised…preaching + faith = useless!
15. and we are false witnesses.
16. If dead not raised, neither is Christ
17. If Christ not raised…faith = futile & believers still in sins
18. and all dead believers are permanently lost.
19. If resurrection is a lie, Christians are the most pitiable people
20. Christ DID raise - His resurrection was the first fruits of those who have died (meaning more to come)
21. Death came through one man, so can life/resurrection
22. All people experience death through Adam, all people can experience life through Jesus
23. At the proper time, Christ will return and the dead will rise
24. When Jesus destroys the work of sin and Satan and hands the kingdom to God, the end will come.
25. Jesus will reign until He has defeated every opponent
26. The final enemy to be defeated is death
27. Everything (but God the Father) will submit to Christ
28. After this is complete, the Son will submit to the Father and they will reign in complete perfection
29. If the resurrection is false, why baptize? (very confusing verse)
30. If the resurrection is false, why do we even try to live the Christian life and put ourselves in danger?
31. Why risk death daily without future hope?
32. If resurrection is false, let us party hard – because this life is all we get!
33. Steer clear of corrupting influences
34. Come back to your senses and begin living like there is a future life and judgment!!!

The Apostle Paul nips this heresy (of no resurrection) in the bud! He challenges the Corinthian church with a series of logical arguments. Without the resurrection, our faith is useless. There is nothing better to do than party and enjoy this life. If you reject the resurrection of the dead, then be a hedonist. If you want to be a Christian, then live today like there will be a tomorrow. Be motivated by future judgment and future reward. Risk your life and health for the Gospel. After all, that is the only thing that really matters. Everything else is just temporary. Some of us will find that out too late.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Real Gospel...1 Cor. 15:1-11

Please read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 before reading... is the real Gospel (1-2):
- which you received as your foundation
- which saved you
- which is the only truth
- which makes life worthwhile

Real Gospel means Christ fulfilled the Messianic prophecies (3-8):
- He died for our sins
- He was buried
- He was raised on the 3rd day
- He appeared to the 12 apostles, more than 500 believers, and Paul in a later vision

Paul’s take on his salvation:
- I am the most insignificant apostle
- I am least deserving
- I persecuted God’s people
- God’s grace reached me and changed me
- God has enabled me to work harder than all the apostles

After reading Paul's words, I must ask myself the following questions:
1. What does the Gospel mean to me?
2. What are the elements of the true Gospel?
3. How do I view my salvation and calling in light of Paul's perspective?

Use your gift for others...1 Corithians 14

1 Corinthians 14 contains some of the richest nuggets of truth concerning spiritual gifts, specifically tongues:

"Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air." (9)

Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church." (12)

"If you are praising God with your spirit, how can one who finds himself among those who do not understand say “Amen” to your thanksgiving, since he does not know what you are saying? You may be giving thanks well enough, but the other man is not edified." (16-17)

"I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue." (18-19)

"If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God." (27-28)

"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace." (33)

These are just a few highlights from this chapter.
Paul was regulating the practice of a spiritual gift that had turned the Corinthian church into a circus. Converted pagans were using the gibberish pagan tongues in church thinking they were authentic.

Paul used the singular "tongue" to slam this pagan counterfeit and the plural "tongues" to uphold the legitimate sign gift. Throughout this chapter he uses sarcasm to make his point that the proclamation of Scripture is the most edifying gift to exercise in church. Gibberish builds up no one!

How ironic that the very chapter most charismatics use as a proof for practicing tongues is actually a harsh treatise regulating the sign gift and seeking to abolish its pagan counterfeit. The irony drips heavier when we see that women are not allowed to teach or have authority over men in church. Most charismatic churches practice just the opposite, while still using this chapter!

Spiritual gifts were never meant to be self-edifying. They were given to you at salvation to build up the church. Practicing a spiritual gift privately (as some do with "prayer languages") is not authorized in Scripture. My gift is to build you up, and yours is to build me up. How entirely selfish of me to think my gift was given for my edification or growth. I am one member in the body. Each member ministers to me, and I must find my place and minister to the body.

When I drive towards Binghamton, there are many signs giving me the mileage to my destination. As soon as I pass the city, the signs cease. There is no more need for Binghamton signs, because the city is behind me.

In the same way, tongues was a sign gift given for 3 purposes:

1. As a sign for unbelieving Jews of the authenticity of the Church - authority
2. As an indication that God's blessings had come to both Jews and Gentiles - blessing
3. As a warning of coming judgment (A.D. 70 this judgment by Rome was complete - no two stones were left standing in Jerusalem) - curse

Each of these 3 purposes has been complete. The early church was birthed, Gentiles were included, and judgment came to Israel. Then what is the current purpose of tongues?

Thanks for the powerful words of advice on this topic Paul!
I am now more convinced than ever that even if the gift of tongues is active today - it is rarely, if ever, practiced legitimately and in-line with Paul's regulations.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Love is a CHOICE! 1 Cor. 13

I appreciate the discussions we have had on "agape" love from 1 Corinthians 13. Love truly is a choice, not a feeling. The opposite of this love is not hate - it is selfishness. Loving the way God requires is not humanly possible. It is a supernatural love that can only flow out of our hearts after God has put it there.

Everything within us is opposed to this sort of unconditional love. We fear getting hurt again. Yet love is making yourself vulnerable. Love is never losing hope, never giving up...and committing for life. No wonder the "Bachelor" leaves the "love of his life" for another girl - feelings are completely unpredictable and should NOT determine our actions! True love is choice - and feelings will be a benefit of that choice!

Our upcoming discussion will be returning to spiritual gifts, especially tongues.

As you 1 Cor. 13:8-13, think about these questions:
- When will the gifts of prophecy, tongues, and knowledge end according to this passage?
- What is the "perfection" in verse 10?
- What does "child" refer to in verse 11?
- What is this paragraph saying about spiritual gifts as it relates to love?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I don't need you!...1 Cor. 12:20-13:13

I don't need you!

Perhaps you haven't said it out loud...but we have all thought this. So had the believers at Corinth. Paul's writing doesn't challenge that independent thinking - he smashes it with a sledgehammer!

He declares the people in church that seem most insignificant to actually be the most crucial. He uses the analogy of the private parts of our body that we keep covered - these parts are vital for reproduction, pleasure, and nourishment. Without them, there would be no pleasure, no marriage, no kids, etc.

There are people at FCC who's gifts are hidden (private), but without them, our offering would not pay the bills, our church facilities would not be cleaned, our shut-ins would not be visited and cared for, our property would not be kept up, etc. There are many people serving and giving and caring and praying in ways you and I never see. They are faithful, sacrificial servants in our church. They deserve greater honor. They deserve to be treated with love and respect. They deserve to hear that "we really could not do it without you"!

In vs. 29, Paul lists seven public gifts that were functioning in the early church: apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, healing, tongues, and interpretation. He asks (to their shame) if everyone needs to have a public gift. He admits they are all desiring what they think to be the "greater gifts" (vs. 31), a.k.a. the public gifts. He replies: "Let me now show you the most excellent way..."

The Bible's most beautiful love chapter has now begun - 1 Corinthians 13. You would be hard pressed to attend a Christian wedding where this passage is not read publicly, in the bulletin, or somewhere listed on the favors! But hold on a second...look at the CONTEXT! This passage on love is not man & woman love - it is all about love in the body of Christ, within the church!!!

As we embark on a beautiful journey through chapter 13, keep the context in mind. This amazing "Agape" love is about the love you and I are supposed to have for each other. Somehow, as the Bride of Christ, God expects us to get along, to serve each other, and to love one another unconditionally.

Action Steps This Week:
1) Think of a few people in church who you dislike - and thank God for them right now. Realizing that we really need each other is a humbling process that takes a long, long time!
2) Define love - and bring this definition to class on Sunday!